Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I've had some pretty interesting responses to my pregnancy because of my donor situation, I'll share a few that have amused me:-

There's the very common response from men of "What? Why? I have loads of sperm!"
Well thats terrific, I'm glad you have spoo a plenty.............. and your point is............?

then there was the:
Mr X "Is that your bull there that you're standing with"
Me: "My what sorry?"
Mr X "You're bull you know (wink wink nudge nudge)"
Me: "Oh, this is a work colleague of mine, I believe he's still human"

Then there was the particularly charming "Mate, I'd have given you sperm wherever you wanted it, the face, the chest ha ha ha"

I didn't think this one really warranted a response, I just smiled.

There have been a few awkward and confused "Well, um, wow, well, um, well, good on you."

and lots of "Cool how do they put it in?" again with these ones a polite smile and a 'oh look there's someone less neanderthal across the room I need to talk to' look seems to do the trick.

Women on the other hand have asked for all the details. How did you choose? Where do you go? Is it expensive? Was it painful? How do you feel?

And then there have been plenty of congratulations! thats brilliant! and well done's too.

All in all I feel so good, strong and courageous about my decision I'm not remotely bothered what the response is, but I do always find them interesting.

But It Worked

So after a round of IVF, for anyone who has gone through IVF I salute you, for anyone who hasn't I hope the need never arises, on October 26th it was confirmed I am pregnant!
There aren't any words that rightly express how happy, thrilled, terrified, excited and afraid I am.

After a few months of swollen blurgh and huge expense there was the pending fear of the negative pregnancy test followed by the emotional elation of a positive pregnancy test, tears, laughter, joy, fear, excitement, overwhelming love a veritable rainbow of emotions!! There aren't really words to describe how fantastic it is to hear this kind of news so I won't bother trying to explain, needless to say ones heart explodes.

This was followed by a few weeks of feeling really freakin unwell - I was totally bewildered that ANYONE has a sibling - who the hell would do this twice? Feeling as though you are on a bad ferry ride across the English Channel all freakin day! Random acts of vomiting, killer headaches and being more tired than a woman who ran the Paris Dakar. Of course there's the old don't tell anyone til the 12 weeks stage which is so hard, especially if like me, secrets make you nervous, not to mention the fact that you look like you ate all the pies and then some but can't explain your frumpy look to anyone.

But then da dah - your baby grows and you get to see its little bits on ultrasounds and your tummy rounds and you can share the awesome news with all and sundry, the second trimester sure delivers....... I'm feeling a whole hell of a lot better and I now look pregnant! I feel all woman. 

I feel blessed, full and madly in love!